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Standard 1

  • Summarize terms that relate agriculture and science.
  • Determine why agriculture is important to Tennessee’s economy.
  • Describe events that have influenced agriscience education.
  • Evaluate career opportunities in agriscience and agriculture.
  • Analyze the desired effect of leadership on world agriculture production.
  • Prepare an outline for and make a presentation on an agriscience project.
  • Determine the benefits of conducting an SAEP (supervised agricultural experience program) as it relates to science.
  • Explain the function of competition in science-related projects in the learning process.
  • Describe the impact of technological developments in agriculture and their effect on the lifestyle of society.

Standard 2

  • Summarize terms associated with ecology and conservation.
  • Analyze the major components of a food chain in nature.
  • Analyze the main parts of the water cycle.
  • Examine the main flow of carbon dioxide and oxygen between plants and animals.
  • Diagram the main parts of the water cycle.
  • Examine the factors that affect population growth and survival of the fittest.
  • Evaluate integrated pest management techniques.
  • Distinguish types of pollution and their sources.
  • Describe the theorized greenhouse effect caused by the earth’s atmosphere.
  • Compare conservation agencies and organizations.

Standard 3

  • Examine the parts of the cell and their function.
  • Analyze the role of genes in determining hereditary characteristics.
  • Describe the procedure in determining the genetic makeup and the sex of animal offspring.
  • Distinguish between performance testing and progeny testing.
  • Analyze different types of performance records.
  • Evaluate different systems of breeding livestock.
  • Diagram the parts of an animal’s reproductive tract.
  • Explain the fertilization process in animals.
  • Compare the advantages and the disadvantages of alternative breeding methods.
  • Determine factors that inhibit conception.
  • Describe the signs of estrus.





Standard 4

  • Summarize terms associated with livestock nutrition.
  • Briefly describe types of digestive systems found in domestic livestock.
  • Classify domestic animals based on their digestive systems.
  • Evaluate the various stages within the digestive process.
  • Discuss terms associated with metabolism in animals.
  • Differentiate types of performance rations.
  • Describe nutrient requirements and the functions of each.

Standard 5

  • Summarize the terms associated with plant and soil chemistry.
  • Diagram the parts of an atom.
  • Evaluate the atomic chart.
  • Compare ionic bonding and covalent bonding.
  • Distinguish between elements, compounds and mixtures.
  • Compare properties of acids, bases and salts.
  • Diagram the parts of a molecular equation.
  • Recommend soil types suited for crop production in Tennessee.
  • Relate crops to the correct pH.
  • Recommend elements needed by plants.
  • Analyze symbols of elements needed for plant growth.
  • Specify nutrient deficiencies in plants.
  • Determine components of the Tennessee Liming Materials Law.

Standard 6

  • Summarize terms related to cell structure and genetics.
  • Diagram the parts and functions of plant cells.
  • Summarize terms related to plant processes.
  • Balance the parts of chemical equations related to plant processes.
  • Examine the importance of the cohesion theory.
  • Examine the effects of different colors of light on plant growth.
  • Diagram seed parts of factors that affect seed germination.
  • Discuss the effects of herbicides on plants.
  • Distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction.
  • Diagram the parts of the flower and give the function of each part.













Standard 7

  • Summarize technology relative to power and energy.
  • Analyze the relationship between speed, distance and time.
  • Relate principles of physics to procedures for measuring work, power and horsepower.
  • Specify groups, sources and forms of energy.
  • Describe the law of conservation and energy.
  • Relate the types of simple machines and mechanical advantages.
  • Analyze the principle of heat energy and describe the way heat travels.
  • Examine the electron theory electricity.
  • Determine the voltage, amperage, resistance and wattage utilizing the appropriate instruments.
  • Relate physics concepts to agriscience applications.
  • Differentiate between types of engines.
  • Explain the production of energy and relate it to the invisible light spectrum.
  • Describe the function of the major parts of the gasoline and diesel fuel systems.
  • Compute horsepower.
  • Calculate mechanical and thermal efficiency in internal combustion engines.
  • Specify the basic applications of thermodynamics.
  • Prescribe safe practices for handling electrical power supplies.

Standard 8

  • Write a grammatically correct speech on the importance of science in agriculture.
  • Browse and select research materials on biotechnology from the Internet.
  • Write a report based on research involving science and biotechnology in agriculture.
  • Properly use devices for measuring energy, heat and horsepower.
  • Form equations related to plant processes.
  • Perform conversions from metric to the English system for plant nutrient needs.
  • Diagram plant parts.
  • Classify groups of plants based on their taxonomy.
  • Diagram body parts of animals.
  • Differentiate organ systems of one or more animals and give their functions.
  • Balance chemical equations related to plant processes.
  • Determine the effects animals have on local ecology.
  • Evaluate types of pollution found in the local community.
  • Determine how ions affect soil fertility.
  • Compare ways different types of bonding affect soil chemistry.
  • Diagram elements from the periodic table.
  • Determine the effects of agricultural pollution on the environment.






Standard 9

  • Demonstrate a positive work ethic and attitude.
  • Demonstrate proper time management skills.
  • Apply problem-solving skills.
  • Describe career plans that develop critical life-long thinking skills and allow for life long learning.
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct a meeting in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.





Topic Areas:

Careers                                                                        The Livestock Industry

Food Chains/Webs                                                      Livestock Selection

The Role of Agriculture in our Economy                   Integrated PestManagement

Conservation of Natural Resources                            Plantand Animal Adaptations

The Scientific Method                                                            Basic Atomic Structure

Agricultural Technology                                             Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Principles of Leadership                                             Chemical Reactions

Characteristics of a Presiding Officer                         Acids,Bases and Salts

Parliamentary Procedure                                             TheEssentials of Combustion

The FFA Organization                                                EssentialElements for Plants

Supervised Agriculture Experience Programs            Plant Deficiencies

Record Keeping                                                          BiologicalProcesses of Plant Growth

Financial Management                                                ConditionsAffecting Plant Growth

The Parts of a Plant Cell and Their Function              Recommended Plant Varieties

Genetics                                                                     Complete/Incomplete Metamorphosis

Mammalian Reproduction                                          PlantDiseases

Insect/Disease Control                                                Usefuland Harmful Insects

Weed Identification and Control                               The Internal Combustion Engine

Seed and Plant Terminology                                       CoolingSystems of Engines

Farm and Home Safety                                               Structureand Functions of a Battery

Fuel Systems of Engines                                             Lubricants

Theories of Electricity                                                 Efficient& Effective Use of Tools

Genetics                                                                      PublicSpeaking


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